on both mountain and hammered dulcimer are available at Pinelands
Folk Music Center. And we sponsor small workshops
throughout the year on autoharp and other folk instruments.
Music Theory for the Folk Musician
Teacher: Richard Carty
Length of Course: 4 weeks
Class limit: 8 students; pre-registration is required
Please call Rich at 609-518-7600 to sign up!
Class Description
This four session course will be helpful to those who want to play music from the British Isles and Appalachian Traditions. It will be equally helpful for those who want to arrange, rearrange, or compose music in the folk tradition. The four elements of the course are: chord theory, knowledge of keys, modal scale theory, and putting these elements together. Demonstrations will be made on keyboard, mountain. dulcimer, hammered dulcimer, tin whistle, mandolin, and autoharp, but all musicians are invited. The fourth class is a breakout session according to instrument, and the date will be determined later.
Additional Classes:
Several times during the year, Rich is available to teach beginning
hammered dulcimer to students; private
intermediate level lessons are availble as well for hammered and mountain dulcimer.
Mary is our mountain dulcimer specialist,
and teaches beginning
mountain dulcimer for small groups. She is also available
for music
demonstrations at schools, nursing homes and private venues.
Stop in our shop any time and ask to hear
these beautiul Appalachian folk instruments played — you'll
find they are very hard to put down!